A pornstar who's orgasms sounds like they belong to that of a child
by NootTube March 5, 2017
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She is a sweet caring girl who is always nice she is funny pretty AF she is a good friend.
Wow is that polly-faye andrews she is amazing
by Seántyler February 12, 2018
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-when someone does something really annoying and pisses the living hell out of your penis.
-when someone follows you and your friends around everywhere, and you're just too nice to tell them to fuck off
-when someone shows up places (usually parties) when they weren't invited, get really drunk, and your boyfriend ends up giving them a ride home, just becuase he's too nice to say no
-the total pulling a faye, is when after the party, your boyfriend is driving that certain someone home, and they ask him to go through the drive-thru, and instead of saying fuck off(!!!!) he does it. Sometimes they even make him pay for whatever they ordered! :o.
"Hey Mikki (you soo fine), what's Kate doing here? Did you invite her?"
"Kutas, did you invite her?"
"FUCK NO! She's going to pull a faye. Proly will ask your bf to drive her home, give him head, and make him pay for her McFlurry."
by Babooshkaa February 2, 2007
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is a polite, well-mannered, independent woman. She looks out for her friends because for some reason her "mommy" instinct has kicked in early in life. She puts everyone before herself and tries to help others in any way she can. She is very involved in activities and organizations. She also is very respectful and doesn't see herself as she should. Others see her as beautiful, but she tends to think otherwise and doesn't know how to react when people compliment her. Her biggest want in life is to be accepted and needed.
Kaitlin Faye Davis is passionate.
by TheWriteMaster November 22, 2011
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the Commerce Minister of Obama's goverment;a Chinese American who graduated from Yale and Boston University and made his way to the top by hard studying and working;a romantic man who rent a helicopter flying up around his girlfriend Mona's house to show his love with a banner wrote with words"Mona I love you";a lawyer;a politician who used to be the governor of State Washington for 8 years from 1997 to 2005.
Barack Obama says,"Gary Faye Locke served as the best candidate for this job."
by CH2M May 3, 2009
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She’s one heck of a girl! She’s always outgoing and does what she can to keep her friends happy! She has a lot of boys who like her but is only into one guy. She gets her heart broken but yet still gives love like no other. She can’t live without her friends and family. She also loves food and watching YouTube. If you have a Gabrielle Faye Dobbins in your life I would keep her because when you lose her you lose a lot.
Did you see Gabrielle Faye Dobbins today!? Yeah she’s so hot! I can’t keep my eyes off her!
by Girlword March 2, 2019
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