Organization: The Brotherhood for the Revelation and Awareness of Infectious Necrobiotic Situations. A group dedicated to raising public awareness and preparedness in the face of inevitable undead-related catastrophe (AKA zombpocalypse). Advocates strong public health and science protocols, ecologically-sound living, survivalist practices and responsible weapons ownership.
(In the midst of chaotic, nightmarish societal breakdown)

Zombie bait 1: OMG, we're trapped on this roof!
Zombie bait 2: And we're out of ammunition!
Survivor (driving by in armored vehicle): Man, those two are screwed. I sure am glad I joined BRAINS - without their tips, I never would have bought this zombie stomper!
by Cicero's Assassin December 7, 2007
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Getting a blowjob. Refers to going so deep yu get the 'brains' of the girl.
Rudeboi: im gettin Brains tonight!
Rudegal: Hell ye yu r!
by tkwo June 30, 2010
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When a man takes his nut sack gym bag and places it as close to the face of a sleeping victim as possible. A picture is then taken with the balls/victim in the same photo.
Chris fell asleep, so I brained him.

Braining is fun, but my nuts get camera shy.
by Amber June 1, 2004
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A clusterfuck of neutrons that are supposed to make you smarter but at the end of the day you still cheated on me and got caught you slut Sarah!
Sarah how could you do this to me! At least have the brains to be sorry!
by Quentiam October 15, 2019
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A one-hand grip maneuver performed on a scrotum; either your own (usually during the penis showing game), or someone else's (during oral sex, foreplay or cbt). The scrotum is grabbed near the base, squeezing until the skin is tight and the testicles beneath bulge out to form the appearance of left and right "lobes" of a brain.
And right when he walked around the corner, POW! got him with the brains!
by Phoenyx November 16, 2006
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To outsmart someone/something in any situation.
This counterterrorist thought I planted B when it was actually A. I brained him.

Dog thought I threw a ball and ran to get it. Brained.
by MisterPOP December 18, 2018
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