Gay men who define themselves as being transgender or are into cross-dressing and drag shows.
Barbies often prefer city life, given the lack of understanding and sensitivity they find in rural communities.
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A female who doesn't wear panties when going for a night out. The opposite of commando for men.
Peter: Look at the ass on that!!!
Joe: I Know, it looks sweet. I bet she's going Barbie aswell.
by BarbieQueen October 10, 2011
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Stiletto shoes with pointed toes that eventually deform feet; the shape of a Barbie doll's feet.
God, will you look at those killer Barbies!
by bagitbabe May 16, 2008
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the politically correct term for adult toys. plastic,glass, etc. vibrating. non vibrating pleasure toys
My barbies rock my world! I don't have a man sufficeint enough right now, therefore i rely on my barbies.
by texasgirlsrock! July 13, 2010
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barbie is just a slut that wants guys to get their pleasure of her!
hi barbie,oh hi wayne king.
Wanna go to my house and you can pleasure me while i have a wank???
by mark November 29, 2003
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two guys faggin it up together with the names of burke and darby. a copy off of bradgelina. man ho ginger and dumbass cock sucker pasty freak that suck face every five seconds.
by v. gina August 31, 2008
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