One who is bi-winning and comes from a grand wizard master.
"Dude, you know my buddy Scott? He is a High Priest Vatican Assassin Warlock."
by mjgriffin August 21, 2011
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The gayest game known to man. Involves spending countless hours collecting gems for the sole purpose of trying to find your penis because it’s so small.
That kid is playing wizards and warlocks, what a fucking nerd
by Dookiepoopy December 24, 2021
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A fuck boy in his 20s that is very short has a huge penis and is very skilled in bed.
He is a trash human being fuck boy but u keep running back to him cuz he is a dick warlock.
by Mysticgirl December 2, 2018
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its a religious term in wicca for someone who wants to get divorced or doesnt complete their handfasting
man1:"didn't you get married last year?
man2:"yeah but she stood me up at the final ceremony"
man1: "fucking warlocks"
by OnesOwnDemon October 26, 2020
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Term to describe a pair of enormous tits
Yo bro, you see that bitch over there? She’s got some warlocks
by hitemwitityuh December 20, 2019
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a molester of souls and adults that belive they never get caught
I know a warlock he is that way carma will catch up sooner or later
by The Guy u want 2 know March 19, 2022
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