A 1 gram piece of chocolate inserted in a 50 year old Asian moms ass and then shat out on a chess board.
Person A: Why is my chess game covered in shit!
Person B: Sorry I had to rock a quick "Kodo thorn"
by FroFram October 13, 2023
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A really smart and handsome young man that likes to play video games, like Grand Theft Auto. Thorne Kovacs also likes to drive around his golf cart even when his grandparents don't allow it. Also owns a tesla roadster.
Stop driving around in the golf cart without our permission, you're being a Thorne Kovacs
by Bantsy September 25, 2019
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A normie who has wet dreams about jello
My dude thorn, he loves a Thot and has some good dreams about jello
by nougat November 5, 2018
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A Bright and bubbly girl who LOVES chocolate and is so funny. She always brightens a room with her presence. She is kind and very hardworking but most of all a great best friend
Look here comes Lucy Thorne she’s so funny and she loves chocolate
by Anonymous 846378229738 April 12, 2020
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When your pube hairs get so long you can braid them, creating an unpleasant Feeling for late night wrestling matches. Noun
Phil poked Jenny, while having fun in bed, with his Russian thorn bush.
by Vex Dash May 5, 2020
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Troubles, cares, hardships, and concerns
Question: "How's it going, buddy?" Answer: "Thorns and thistles, man, thorns and thistles."
Can also be used as an exclamation meaning "Life sucks" or "Everything has gone to crap." As in "Did you hear what happened? Thorns and thistles! how am I going to fix this?!"
by Sawrie December 7, 2021
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The ugliest dude you’ll ever see in your life, when people see griffin they’re like, “oh shit it’s that fuckboy griffin!”
“Dude I wanna hu with this girl”
“Stop being such a griffin thorn
by Wizard man lol69 July 13, 2018
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