one of the greatest song ever and may as well be a love song
"cause you're the only person in the world who understands"
you can't tell me Touch Tone Telephone isn't gay
by raybeez May 15, 2022
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Yet another replacement for the word toilet, but this one is generally used when someone is vomiting.
Willy had way too much beer, and now he's in the bathroom on the big white telephone talking to Rraaaalph.
by bill April 22, 2004
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The toilet,The John,the crapper,the porcelain throne,the rest room
Dude drank too much now he's talking through the great white telephone
by subz2k2000 November 8, 2005
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1. A person who has very mean and ruthless tones over the telephone.

2. One who exhibits characteristics of being a hardass over the telephone with any real muscle to back up their talk. Also makes threats over the phone with no intention of following though with them.
John: "Hey, you better quit fucking around with my sister or else..."

Jim: "Or else what?"

John: "I'm gonna break your legs and gouge out your eyes, fucker."

Jim: "Whatever, you're just a big pussy telephone tough-guy."
by Antonino G. July 5, 2009
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Cut a slice from both corners of the mouth through the cheeks to the ears. Once the cuts are stitched up, your face will look like a telephone pole.
When you encounter a drug dealer on the street, ask him if he has Kibbles-n-Bits. Before he can answer, use your shiv, a broken beer bottle or a box cutter to give him a telephone scar. By marking the drug dealer, you're sending the message that you are not one to be fucked with. Then empty out his pockets, and leave him in a dumpster for dead.
by scullie July 21, 2009
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