Someone who commits a cartwright in a pool game. A cartwright is a shot that goes in on accident.
by DirkOut August 24, 2003
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it obviously states here, ure a fag and a son of a bitch!
boy: hey man, can i buy you a condom?

boy 2: damn, what a fag son of a bitch.

boy 3: FSOB!
by brownboy and lawlawman June 9, 2010
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When your average insult just will not do the trick. This is the lowest form of life on planet earth. Basically a douchebag to the nth power.
by SirFuckNuts February 6, 2010
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son of bitch: bhow bhow
bitch: how how
son of bitch: bhu bhu bhu
bitch: bhaw bhaw bhaw
by Xhing January 8, 2008
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Fat annoying Bastard that has nothing better to do than to constantly annoy the fuck out of you just because he's a worthless cock bitin' mother fucker.
I'm settin' in the living room chair talking on the phone trying to hold a meaningful conversation when all of a sudden the "Pop-n-Dough Son of a Bitch" starts hurling objects from across the room that bounce off of my forehead.
by Angie Ingersoll November 15, 2008
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1) The King of cursing in my book. To be used in moments of extreme pain or frustration. This curse is most often heard after a man smashes his finger with a hammer. It must be pronounced in a single breath and with a good sense of rythem.
2) A person you do not wish to see right now.
1) -"cock-sucking-mother-fucking-son-of-a-bitch!"
-"you ok?"
-"I just shot the nail gun through my temple!"
2)George Bush
by REV. Smitty February 24, 2005
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