Enormous mamory glands. Sometimes referred to as "Ed & Ken", or "The Nortons"...
Good God...would you look at the Ed & Ken on her!!!
by Arty & Tommy January 26, 2004
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Twin brother to Smilin Bob Norton. Man of distinct honor despite his prefix.
Dude, he was more focused than Silly Bob Norton.
by LikeMyDecks? January 9, 2011
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1. Noun: A gigantic book used by evil schools that force innocent high school kids to the death by the 2,930 pages of extremely small print, extremely long paragraphs, and extremely boring entries from authors ranging from Ralph Waldo Emerson to Anne Sexton (who ever the hell they are). Can also be called satan or the devil.
Phil: Shit dude, I have to read Young Goodman Brown by Nathaniel Hawthorne.
Alex: What the hell is that?
Phil: Some bullshit Romantic story in the Norton Anthology of American Literature.
Alex: Whats that?
Phil: Oh, its just Satan's brother.
by AnOffshorePrawn December 11, 2007
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the worst school in the uk, full of racist teachers and bullying kids.
If you want your child to end up killing themselves, this is the school for you!
"Whats the worst school ever?"
"Umm, probably Kings Norton Boys School."
by maddieladdie October 29, 2020
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When you have sex with a women who has passed out, most likey due to severe inebreation. This does not include an instance where date rape drugs where used, only from the women's lack of self control. The Cal Norton pertains to a woman who has suggested sex only to pass out, as well as when a women passes out during sex and you decide the job is worth finishing.

For those who enjoy the occassional Cal Norton Jr., an excellent method is to nudge your hubby as she sleeps while suggesting sex. She may respond with a delerious grunt/sigh of apporoval. Congradulations, time for a Cal Norton Jr.

The Cal Norton Jr. is a complex and delicate interation, demonstrating the true passion between only the most intimate of lovers.

origin-NASCAR Country
Woman: (Cries of extacy as you pound her, savagley)

Man: Grunts of manly delight


Man: Hmmm, what the hell? (He decides to resume the smash fest)

This is a classic example of the always enjoyable and unbelievably classy, Cal Norton Jr. (Talladega Nights). Yea Boi!
by CavemanBossDoot July 7, 2011
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an emotionless, awkward individual with "grandpa teeth". this individual is usually negative and has a blank, glazed look in their eye. as known as "broccoli".
look there's brooke norton! she's negative.
by Jesussss Christttt October 14, 2011
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