Dishwashing Soap and Tape Backup Software. (i.e. Get a clean Backup or Clean your backup tapes)

Originally expressed as Palmolive et Veritas, however, Madge (the Palmolive saleswoman) was mostly too hands on and Lux was therefore considered more generic.
"There are parity errors on our backup tapes. Tell operations 'lux et veritas'!
by Glen March 5, 2004
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(also abbreviated to POLO) a popular fanfic on AO3 within the SMZS fandom written by users enigma3000 and mehan kartik (daydreaming story teller).

This fic depicts the main characters of SMZS in an action packed Spy AU with Kartik Singh being a spy and Aman Tripathi as his husband who is slowly coming to the realisation that his husband may not be as he seems. The fic, already gut-wrenching despite the author's protestations otherwise, takes your typical stereotypical spy romance plot and made it into a absolutely thrilling action/mystery fix with a beautiful blend of humour and angst.

Fans of this fic are particularly fond of bars and Polo candies. Though it is yet unclear why the fic's abbreviation is POLO specifically.

The fic has been hyped up ever since its embryonic stage and when the first update aired, it gained strong positive fanbase who are eagerly awaiting the next instalments of this fic.
Girl: I wish POLO would update.

Boy: POLO?

Girl: you know? Proditone. Onero. Lux. Obduro.
by kartiksinghtripathi January 22, 2021
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A four-wheel drive vehicle that will never see dirt. Usually has all luxury car amenities.
Upper Wisconsin is filled with lux laden hic haulers that will never go off-road.
by Civic RR September 6, 2017
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A name for a girl with many talents, school isn't one of them though. Someone who will always provide the green when it's needed. Don't expect her to share her nic though; it's never going to happen.
Hey whos that girl?
Thats LUXE.
by nuttzachh November 1, 2022
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So if u know a lux ! U better keep her tight by ur side , she needs it ! She has the cutest laugh and will almost laugh at anything!! If she has a crush on u and u say u dont like her or u just wanna be friends , she is not gonna stop liking u she will keep trying to talk to u !

This girl is probably the shortest girl u will know 😂

Lux is a dare devil she will ask for dares amd will do any dare !

Dont be mean to lux , she is sensitive!

She is also a little shy ♡

She probably has a crazy hair style

If u like a lux and u have the guts to tell her u will probably be in her heart forever!

Hey is that lux ?

Yup but be careful she sensitive
by Johnson Williams November 5, 2020
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Lux is the most selfless, sexiest, wonderful and wholesome there is, they're the light you seek to fulfill the void deep inside of you, and will make your heart shine even more that you could imagine, but they have a dark side, Lucifer means the bringer of light (Lux), but in the end, who hasen't one? Boring people because with Lux you never get bored, she's always there, with you, to have an amazing time, they're black diamonds, white crows, something rare you don't get to find often so care and love them the most you can
Lux is the best!
Yeah, Right ? She's so awesome !
by Alien669 November 21, 2021
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Latin word for 'light'. It is also the nickname of a handsome Greek guy who is into drawing.
Lux is a greats artist. That's why Johanna felt in love with him.
by lux.the.artist November 18, 2017
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