someone who fills their wallet, suitcase, bookbag, and computer with pictures of himself.
you may not be a narcissist but you're actually quite a julian
by Cian shelley May 6, 2008
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A Julian is a young man who thinks too much of himself. A Julian usually doesn't have many friends because their personallity is so boring and confindent most people even have the urge to attack this low life.

Julian:Hey Waz up?
Lori: Oh hey its you...
Julian:LOL I'm gonna throw an eraser in your hair cause' I'm such a TERDD! LOL
Katie:OMG Julian SHUT UP!
*Punches the "Julian"
Lori:Oh thxs I had the urge to drop that mofo anyways, but I'm glad you handled it too.
by Tikilooni500 March 26, 2009
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A lying douche bag who enjoys leading people on. He will tell you that he loves you while trying to get into your friends pants while having a girlfriend.
Friend 1: he told me he loves me.
Friend 2: he told me he wants to have sex with me.
Random girl: he's my boyfriend!
All 3: he's such a Julian.
by Igotplayed May 29, 2011
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Girl A: Julian mean to everybody and when he has a Binet it like there's nothing there
by Memearelife June 24, 2017
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he is

julian is amazing i wonder if he would date me...
by actual_smol_bean September 7, 2018
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The sexiest thing in human history. He has glasses and usually curly hair. He makes girls wet all the time and is a great boyfriend to have. He’s super funny and fun to be around. He’s most definitely your #1 best friend in the world and will always be there with you
I wish I could be funny like Julian.”
by KrispyStrips June 12, 2019
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Julian is a very special person and any girl would want to be with him. he makes his girl happy and will do anything to make her happy i promise. he sometimes doesn't know when he is hurting her but he will fix it. He likes to move quick in relationship but that is ok for some/most people. i love him so much and he means the motherfucking world to me.

-his girlfriend(anonymous)
i love you Julian
by Me=bae February 28, 2018
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