Gothic punk (also defined as 'deathrock' and part of the 'post-punk' movement) deals with themes of death and mortality, sorrow, despair, surrealism, fantasy, the darker side of the life of society, the supernatural, the occult, romanticism, the effects of psychological terror and trauma - just to name a few of the basics. The music of gothic punk, (as opposed to the more traditional extremely fast and anger-based hardcore punk), usually exists within the realm of medium-fast, more danceable rhythms often including tribal tom-based drum sections for the verses. The music also often includes a synthesizer to accompany the drums, bass and guitar, which again, is something more traditional hardcore punk usually refrained from including. The result is more of a moody, introspective sound that takes one into the realms of imagination. The classic, essential deathrock (or goth punk) bands include: Christian Death (the original lineup with vocalist Rozz Williams), early TSOL, UK Decay, The Damned, 45 Grave, Alien Sex Fiend and The Cramps.

Keep in mind that there were also several 'dark punk' bands around the same time that, while not maybe being quite as 'gothic' in some regards, still had enough stylistic similarities to be worthy of mention. They include bands such as: The Adicts, The Adverts, The Mob, False Prophets, Wipers, Chrome and can't forget classics that bridged the gap between hardcore and darkpunk such as Black Flag, Dead Kennedys and The Misfits. One should at least check out the classic gothic punk (or, as I prefer to call them, deathrock) bands before making comments on the genre. Keep in mind that while all these bands have similarities, they also have very distinctive sounds that set them apart from the others, as all good artists should, so don't think that just because you've heard one or two of the bands mentioned that you know what gothic punk sounds like. Modern gothic punk bands worthy of mention are: Cinema Strange and Cauda Pavonis.
Gothic-punk: most likely not on a major label.

by Daemone Darker March 1, 2009
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EGL (Elegant Gothic Lolita) and EGA (Elegant Gothic Aristocrat) are terms coined by Mana, previously of the Japanese Visual band Malice Mizer.

Elegant Gothic Lolita refers to the fashion of frilly, ruffled knee-length dresses, and ruffled headbands, and only refers to females.

Elegant Gothic Aristocrat refers to a more subdued, refined dressing, usually consisting of longer dresses or coats, and can refer to both females and males.

There are different kinds of groups of lolitas in Japan, however EGA is rare and the style is usually up to the individual.
Gothic Lolita - Mana (Ex-Malice Mizer), Dada (Ex-Velvet Eden)
by KuroKaze May 18, 2004
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Gothic personality can apply to both goths and non-goths (or "normies" as I like to call them) alike. A person with a Gothic Personality is likely to be more concerned with the *deeper* aspects of life and permeating beneath the superficial. A person with a Gothic Temperament is likely to be highly introspective, philosophically curious, romantic and brooding && artsy and creative.

Other traits that are expectable are:

Interest in reading and literature, passion for music and perhaps playing an instrument, interested in psychology or mythology (anything with a supernatural flair) and open to experience. Someone with a Gothic Personality is more likely to be upfront and honest about the darker aspects of themself such as dark desires; the participation in fetish/what society deems "perverse" such as BDSM etc.

A person with a Gothic Personality often has hidden talents like writing, interior design and computer programming to name a few. A key component of the Gothic Personality is also the desire to remain an enigma against all odds - to retain a sense of mystery about their person. I believe this is the defining characteristic of the Gothic Personality. You can never fully figure them out... You yearn to fully understand them but it becomes impossible in the most uncanny way.

I must mention that not all Goths have a refined Gothic Personality. And I've met normies who seem so "Goth At Heart" that it freaks me out. Another Mystery!
Seriously Janet, I've met this normie guy who is like totally Goth At Heart. He must have been a Goth in a past life or something. A Goth re-incarnated! He is into all the same stuff as me... Psychology, The Occult, Philosophy particularly nihilism, Anarchy, He's also obsessed with sadomasochism and sensations of unreality. He's got a head full of gothic shizzle. All we ever talk about is deep and dark and disturbing. I am impressed by his Gothic Personality. I'm going to sneak up and dye his hair black while he sleeps... mwahahaha...
by DamselInDistress September 15, 2013
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Battlefleet Gothic is a tabletop miniatures game based in Games Workshop's fictional Warhammer 40,000 universe. Battlefleet Gothic is a starship combat game, and focuses around the incursion of the "Gothic Sector" by fleets under the command of Abaddon the Despoiler, and the subsequent campaign by the Imperium to restore order. Battlefleet Gothic is also the Imperial Naval formation after which the game is named and which is a major protagonist in much of the supporting fiction. Battlefleet Gothic is an extension to the Warhammer 40,000 universe, providing the ability for players to stage space battles between fleets of spacefaring ships. Players select spaceships from a variety of fleets representative of the various Warhammer 40,000 races. The game as packaged includes rules and background for space fleets.

You can command a valiant fleet of the Imperial starships in the name of the Emperor of Mankind or an insidious horde of Chaos heretics whose only purpose is to subjugate and destroy all they encounter to sate the dark desires of their foul gods. There are also other races involved in the conflict, like the enigmatic Eldar, the crude and brutal Orks, the ancient and frightening Necrons, and many more. Whatever force you choose to command, you are in control of a million tons of awesome, warp-drive-powered fury cutting through the void of interstellar space! Though your weapons are powerful and your crews are prepared, it is only your cunning and leadership that can drive them to victory. Do you have what it takes to travel to distant sectors to do battle in the cold wastes between the stars? Your force is represented by models from the Citadel Miniatures range that you paint and assemble yourself. There are plenty of ships included in the boxed game to get you started, and our hardworking Miniature Designers have created an entire range of incredible Battleships, Cruisers, Frigates, and Gunships to be deployed for battle.
Dude I just got battlefleet gothic.

by figgypwns May 22, 2007
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A style of art, popular in Europe from the late 12th century to the early 16th century. It is also known as the International Style. Gothic art is mainly remembered in architecture. It was created by Abbot Sugert (Shu-ger). He planed to renovate the Cathedral of St. Denis, outside of Paris. Other famous gothic cathedrals include: Notre Dame, Chartres, Milan, and Pisa. The "Leaning Tower of Pisa" is actually the bell tower for that cathedral.

Gothic sculpture became more realistic, however, the forms tended to be elongated.

Gothic painting, like sculpture, had elongated forms, and was quite realistic. However, the artists failed to grasp vanishing point perspective. The most famous Gothic painter was Giotto.
I visited the Padua cathedral and saw Giotto's work. It was if he reinvented painting.
by Disco Stu October 15, 2003
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A state of mind. Someone or something that devotes time to or promotes things to the exploration of dark and morbid thoughts, to come to terms with the individuality of oneself and to search for inner beliefs.
Books such as those by Anne Rice, music that could be termed obscure, and literature styles similar to that of Edgar Allen Poe, encourage open minds and self discovery into the often forbidden areas of the mind.
by Luscinia November 13, 2003
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