when you are on drugs or alcohol of some sort and you see miniture creatures talking to you jumping around makeing you happy and talking to them like they are real but they are imaginary to others except you when you messed up.
like the other night man I was so messed up I saw ConiptionGumby's and they were so funny they freaked me out dude.
by Ann-Marie Renaud January 29, 2004
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name for an idiot that gets gum stuck in their hair.
holy shit theres fucking gum in his hair, what a bitch! lets call him gumby
by air mading August 22, 2006
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A man of bombast that no one would touch with a ten foot pole
That surface brother was played by a real cucky gumbie
by Heypattylynn November 19, 2021
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After awaking from the coma after the wreck, the patient was given his first ride in a Gumby cart.
by ThiccyBeans August 4, 2021
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a floating survival suit that makes you look like gumby.
ah shit, the boats going down again, better throw on my gumby suit.
by pockets1213 October 21, 2006
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When a person intentionally plays with his wiener to make it seem like he has a bigger-than-normal penis in the locker showers
kid 1: "Man did you see the size of Richards wang? It was massive!"

kid 2: "He doesnt really have that big of a penis, he just gave himself a shower gumby."
by John Jonson June 11, 2009
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testicle. pl. gumbies.

Derived from conversation I had with friend wherein his nuts were hanging out the side of his cut-offs. His girlfriend said "Hey, your gumbies are hanging out!" To which I replied, "So's your pokey!

Lame reference to claymation hero and horse-ish partner.
"My gumbies were slapping her ass so hard it made my brain hurt."
by H2OLemming November 2, 2004
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