a saying that will mess some one up if they are doing something of some concetration, they will have to think about what you just said, because you don't put fried chicken in clam chowder, and they will mess up
like if a person is taking a free through in (bball) and you say fired chicken clam chowder as they through it, the ball will not make it in the hoop cuz of the distraction.
by anonamous06 May 10, 2005
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a Deep South colloquialism meaning pissed; seriously chaffed
Lets me tell you bubba, I done ran pa's mower in a ditch, run back inside, and when he a-come lookin' for me, he was mad enough to eat fried chicken.
by hokiescott April 17, 2012
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The greatest invention known to man besides Bill Gates. Its conveinient sauce holder is the second greatest invention known to man. They are finger lickin' good.
Arab guy in Burger King: I want a refund for these chicken fries!

Cashier: Why sir?

Arab guy in Burger King: They as hard as baseball bat.
by Jesus Chaves June 30, 2006
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The best thing burger king has ever came up with. It's chicken. Or is it fries? Time can only tell
Mhmmm these chicken fries are mad good
by DizzyLizzy January 9, 2007
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When you talk to your friends and they ask what you are doing on Friday night and you tell them that you want to go out and get chicken fried.
by Jared Freeman February 13, 2009
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1) a person that is ill put-together from the Southern region of the USA.

2) a hot mess from the South
Tammy's sister is up here from Atlanta and she is one chicken-fried mess
by DJ Oneiromancer August 7, 2008
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