Adj. Refers to refined, delicate, mature, sensitive HETEROSEXUAL males with impecable taste. Typically used with people from other cultural and social backgrounds.
by FantaOrange? May 23, 2003
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A ranga that has red pubes
Marley: I was gonna fuck this guy last night until I found out he had Fanta pubes
Emma: Ewww! I hate Fanta pubes they make me wanna vomit
by Liccyliccymiccymakemesiccy October 8, 2019
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when you're poor and malnourished living in the third wolrd and you drink Fanta or soda-pop. The empty calories mess with your body and make it harder to get proper vitamins and minerals and such.
Kid in developing country isn't getting enough to eat. Clean potable water isn't avialable. Drinks coke instead. Becomes more malnourished. This is called Fanta syndrome.
by ez cheese November 12, 2013
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a tattle tale who is a goody-goody tooshoe,teachers pet, kind of fat around the middle, and is a sexist. and hates a boy called chinua freeman
yo, that bicth is a fanta freeman
by Peter October 8, 2003
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When you cum in someone's ass, and then suck it out and feed it to their mouth.
"Charlie, will you come and give me a redhead fanta."
by r/apeAllBetroot February 24, 2020
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1.) Nick name for someone which is secretly calling them a fantastic person
2.) A way of complementing someone without them realising
Good Night you Fanta Stick”

“Your so Fanta Stick”
by LewisFromHolland September 9, 2019
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The most lucrative and ballin variation of the ballcuzi, in which a males testicles are fully submurged in a glass of carbonated orange fanta while sexual
partner(s) blows bubbles into the glass with a straw. Created in Thailand. (among hip-hop practitioners, is suppose to indicate ones extremely high level of sexual labido)
Wow!, I never thought a ballcuzi could feal so refreshing until I got a orange-fanta ballcuzi on a hot himid day.
by Cheddar Godfather March 2, 2007
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