He’s an amazing handsome strong dashing young lad who gets bear bitches and fucks them all and is way better than any Isaacs who are ugly faggots
I really hope my daughter meets a cobi because they’re always really nice
by Big boy 77221 January 30, 2020
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when a classmate has to poop during school ours and has to leave campus.
Thomas left school because he had to do a Cobis.
by jefferyphillips1991 April 11, 2020
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Acronym meaning Confidence of Buying In. Usually used in cryptocurrency to refer to a project you strongly believe in and are investing for the long term. The opposite of FOMO.
I don't care that Shiba Inu has pumped 100x, I bought with COBI so I'm holding til life changing money.
by CoCYT November 5, 2021
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A miget with the IQ of a small spec of dust.

He also watches miget porn
Girl: wanna have sex?
Cobi: yeah
Girl: *takes pants off*
Cobi: *takes pants off*
Girl: you have a vagina?
by Tomaass February 25, 2020
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cobie is pretty and very very honest and is willing to put the ones she love first she's VERY toxic she loves her bf she's nice at times caring , bt also mean most of the times and always wanna argue
"man cobie is such an amazing person but she low key toxic"
by yeaisucktoesbtv February 23, 2022
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cobie is an amazing person. she is very overprotective of her siblings and would hurt someone for them. she loves eating food 24/7 and loves the beach. she is kind, caring, anti-social, and very loving. she may think she is not the best but she is. if u ever meet a cobie never let her go or u will regret it.
person 1: have u heard of a girl named cobie?
person 2: heck yea I have! she’s the best person ever!
by kam s June 9, 2022
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