The "viper" Higgins is one of the main mad bastards in the Irish TV Show Hardy Bucks. He sells drugs with his boyos Stateside and lad who's name I dont know. His famous catchphraseis "YeaAaAaaa"
Francis "Viper" Higgins is a major TV show character

Lad: hey you ever see the Francis " Viper" Higgins on tv?
Normal shcan: YeaaaaAA
by FoxMulder04 December 5, 2020
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An author who is pretty much the sole definition of perfection. Her debut novel Sweet Evil was amazingly written and perfect in every sense possible.
Student: Hello librarian, who's an amazing author?
Librarian: Wendy Higgins, she's the definition of perfection
by LuceNEVERTRUSTADUCK February 6, 2013
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Henry Higgins comes from the film my fair lady where a linguistics professor teaches a girl who sells flower how to speak "better English". For a bet. This is so she can work a flower shop and go up in society. He never treats her like a person.
The Henry Higgins effect

When man belivies women need to be fixed to suit what he believes is a proper women. Whether she has asked him to it or not.Connected to the (cool trope) but its not the women pretending to be a Male fantasies but the man imposing his beliefs and values on her. Viewing her as object rather than a person. A man explains things to you but never ask what you think. Lectures you, corrects you,but never takes your feelings into consideration.

Leading women being systematically igorned in society left out. Viewed as obsolete or weird and different. " Why can't a woman be more like a man".

Reference: caroline criado Perez.(2019)invisable women exposing the data bias. Vintage.
He's a Henry Higgins he always lectures me.

He's a Henry Higgins he never does any of the house work in this relationship .

He the henry higgins he believes women are lesser then men and should be sculpted to what a man dreams

He Henry higgins he believes women are abnormal and women should be like men.
by the owl and the pussycat December 7, 2020
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When you are extraordinarily soft, whiny, joykill who is a general embarrassment to your name, you are being a Bitch Higgins
Hey! Do you want to go to the pub tonight?

Reply - No, sorry I'm being a Bitch Higgins tonight.
by yellowbabess February 5, 2018
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An overweight person, who considers himself self important and amazing, when really he's just a muppet
Person 1: Hey...where's Fatboy Higgins this morning?

Person 2: Just in the bathroom, that muppet.
by NeoDhanjal January 3, 2019
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