Fatigue and constant pain in the knees from repetitive movement, and frequently bending down.
Not sure how i'm gonna survive this shift, my restaurant knees are killing me, got any ibuprofin?
by Cooksense March 17, 2023
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When you smell really bad ( mainly used on merked people)
That hoe definitely has Indian restaurant syndrome
by Fergus weeabooster March 3, 2017
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Our purpose is simple and bold—to redefine how Indian restaurants taste, feel, and look. Our founding values consist of providing clean and heart-warming food prepared with ethical practices with a huge importance on our team members and our guests. We believe the happiness that comes from feeding souls is worth sharing. We strive to positively impact the communities we live in and constantly practice our values.
Best Indian Restaurants in Connecticut used a keyword in the marina indian restaurant
by marinCT June 14, 2022
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A restaurant your Dad didn't take you to because he hates you.
My Dad didn't feed me, I'm actually starving. He took himself to the Kyoto Restaurant anyway though, and told me about it when he got back.
by Mr. Dailer February 28, 2016
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On a 5+ table, dropping a dollar underneath baits the unsuspecting fool and one holds him down while everyone farts at once.
On our last guys night out, the newbie got the dutch oven restaurant and gagged on his lunch under the table.
by Chuckie Sue July 23, 2022
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The sexual relations between employees at the same restaurant. When two people, who work at the same restaurant, date or have sex. Most cases results in multiple love triangles within one restaurant and complicates the work environment.
I loved working there, however the level of restaurant incest was ridiculous. It was like each person had sex with at least three different coworkers.
by Mronie February 20, 2021
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