A codeword for wanting to be put in jail and becoming the flavor of the month with all the inmates.
by kdiggy May 4, 2005
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Essentially it means "is much better than" or "humiliates", and is most commonly used as a verb. "Pwn5" is the ultimate way to say "pwns", much in the same way "1337" is the ultimate way to say "l33t".

The "5" represents the "s". It is also mid-way between 0 and 10, so is considered a direct hit between the eyes i.e. perfect. This stems from the origins of the word in online multiplayer gaming, where a perfect shot is respected.

So if you want to be 1337, you should say "pwn5" instead of "pwns" ;) :P
7h15 w3b5173 pwns

Th@ l337 h4X0r pwns 7h053 l4M3 n0085

more "1337" ways to say it:

7h15 w3b5173 Pwn5

Th@ l337 h4X0r Pwn5 7h053 l4M3 n0085
by 1337 d00dsk1 December 18, 2006
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(Verb) A command in the game Soldat. Pressing / and then typing pwn will make said Soldater hump into the direction he is facing. Normally used against a player who has gone Away From Keyboard. Amusing. A few Soldat porn pictures have been made using this. They usually depict one soldat lying down with his head up, whilst the other Soldat performs '/pwn' in front of him, ammounting to a blow job.
Going up to an unsuspecting player, and /pwning them from behind. Can be very funny when done against a camping sniper who is in zoom mode.
by Kangar October 12, 2007
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word that online dorks use, mean to own
Halo pwns all!
by WuBanga May 21, 2004
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to destroy one's opponent so utterly that it is as if there was no opposition; also pwned or pwnage
The final score was 50 to 6, they got pwned.
I'm ready to pwn some noobs.
by dce2009 December 22, 2006
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PWN (verb) 1. An act of dominating an opponent. 2. Great, ingenious; applied to methods and objects. Originally dates back to the days of WarCraft, when a map designer mispelled "Own" as "Pwn". What was originally supose to be "player has been owned." was "player has been pwned". Pwn eventually grew from there and is now used throughout the online world, especially in online games.
1. "I pwn these guys on battlenet"

2. "This strategy pwns!" or "This game pwn."

3. "Newman just got pwned by Ashlee."
by DGOW November 10, 2010
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Pwn is own with a p.
Dude 1: y did j00 kil d00d t00? he kan pwn j00!!!11
Dude 3: Shut up or I'll kill you, too.
by DoomBringer316 February 11, 2004
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