The act of rubbed your butt with another persons butt while being lathered with soap. Much like a butterfly kiss but with buttcheeks.
my boyfriend gave me a brown eyed butterfly kiss in the shower, he is so sweet.
by Stoctopus March 16, 2021
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When her pussy looks just as tightly squinted as her eyes. And it has hair grown just like the Texan Coastal Grass
I like to fuck that slant-eyed rice field pussy just like I like pounding mochi.
by Komoot May 20, 2021
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When a male punches his lover in each eye, giving them two black eyes, and then forcing them to suck his cock until he cums.

Similar to Dirty Panda
I gave Susan the old Coon Eyed Vanilla Milkshake last night after she returned from Arabia.
by SeaBass4 April 13, 2016
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Livet handler om to tette og ei badehette. Mange vil si det er selve meninga med livet.
Philosophical dude: Hey man, I often wonder what the meaning of this life is.
Orcacel: Let me enlighten you, it's to tette og ei badehette.
by Elektroblaster2000 March 3, 2018
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