A desire to kill a person, community, group or company from social media platforms.

It is derived from cancel culture, made by people who hate cancel culture. Kill culture is taking one step forward from cancelling, it is killing that person or group.
Kanye Hater: "Kanye is shit, he should give up music!"
Kanye fan: "#killkanyehater
Kanye hater: "dont kill culture me"
by Andr3i_Mh December 3, 2020
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A social construction by sociologists involving an unenforceable non-legally binding property right that doesn't actually exist which infringes on a person's right to extract facts from the public domain in the creation of their own intellectual property.
By creating a work of art, which is your property, which uses the language I natively speak, you are engaging in cultural appropriation, even though you can't copyright a natural language or dialect.
by qbert04 November 22, 2020
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Moronic idea that takes guilt by association... And uses it to justify literally segregating culture by race. The concept is believed to come from Western academic circles, now it's widely used by anti-white nationalists as a way of gaining power.
Person A: Hey, don't use that word! You're white, so that's cultural appropriation on your part!
Person B: Wait, I though you guys supported racial equality. Now you're trying to gatekeep culture by race, blood and soil style. Would MLK be proud of you?
Person A: He would agree with us! You whites were oppressing us POC for so long! Now you're trying to steal our culture!
Person B: How do you even steal a culture? Do you, like, lose an access to words when I use them? And besides, what "you whites" are talking about? I for one did nothing against your people, I wasn't even around during the times of slavery. And even if I was, I would likely be a serf. I'm from Russia.
Person A: But if you'll come to US, you'll benefit from the racist system. So it's only fair to compensate for it in advance by treating you as an oppressor, limiting your right for self-expresson, and...
Person B: ...and this is why I'm not coming to US anytime soon. Not until you guys come to your senses.
by Siberian Lynx August 12, 2023
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Cultural appropriation is when someone steals something from a culture that isn't their own. This is not the same as Cultural Appreciation.

1: You cant wear box braids, its cultural appropriation
2: Ok, so we are gatekeeping hairstyles now?
1: No, Box braids are from the AFRICAN culture... It started back in slave times.
2: Tf that gotta do wit me, Chile?
1: You are doing cultural appropriation and using aave? Educate yourself, please...
by Fqiry_hoon March 9, 2022
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Is when you are multi cultured in something. Like music or lifestyle
Friend: You like this song?

You: yeah. I’m High Cultured
by King ADG September 19, 2020
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The experience one gets when waiting to use the microwave oven at companies that employ workers of various nationalities and denominations.
I got a micro-cultural exposure when I went to heat up my mac'n cheese. There was so much spice in the air, I felt like I was in a Turkish market.
by kickserves January 11, 2010
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A game of social acceptance amongst piers, primarily played by middle aged mothers. The game involves; Performing activities simply to brag about them to other mothers, trying to create a false image of a perfect family to the outside world and pretending to care about certain socially acceptable things.

An example of a mother playing "The Culture Game" is when she drags her family to a museum, that she has no interest in, only to brag about it to her friends and tell them how "insightful" and "refreshing" it was. Another example is when a mother forces her children to attend a gathering even if the children have no connection to the people who will be at the gathering, simply to uphold the image of the perfect family.

The Culture Game comes from a place of longing for social acceptance and fear of rejection. The middle aged mothers are scared of being honest and truthful with their piers, scared to admit fault, disinterest and show weakness, which results in them dragging their families through the mud to keep up the facade.
"I can't believe that mom is playing The Culture Game with aunt Karen again"
"Yeah, she doesn't even like wine, but I guess her pride is more important than her taste.."
by TheBeetleMan February 10, 2020
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