A place where one goes quite often, a place that feels like home.
Trick: you go to Diamondbacks?
Man: yes i have posted flag.

Megatron: I am about to post flag at this broads house!
by APDavetheRave January 31, 2012
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To walk with your penis out. This can be either completely naked, with only a shirt on, or with everything on but ur member hanging out of ur fly.
Male exhibitionists like letting the flag fly.
by Nougat_ November 5, 2022
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Floppy, untoned upper arms that keep waving even after the person stops waving.
Jenna looks great after loosing weight, except for her 'Flag-Arms, that is.
by momo64 September 7, 2011
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The Muddy Flag is simply the bedsheet on which nasty pleasures are partaken. These include a Cleveland Steamer, Hot Carl and Alabama Hot Pocket.. or any case in which fecal matter is involved. The fecal matter if not collected or disposed of correctly is transferred to the sheet and one may hang the sheet as a sign of victory and accomplishment and therefore known as the Muddy Flag.
Pete: Oh man, didn't you take Shannon home last night? I heard she loves the ass stuff.
Ben: Yea bro, i shit all over her chest and the rolled her over and put it in her ass. Then I hung the Muddy Flag from the balcony.
Pete: *vomits*
by cumBag November 19, 2015
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The dervish flag is any of the assortment of flags used by the dhulbahante community, i.e. NSUM, Khaatumo etc.
thats a dervish flag
by readyforthemoon55 July 13, 2020
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Did you his post ?
Yh he even got the W flag gif from @bergkamphive
by Notbergkamphive February 23, 2021
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A girl or woman who instigates drama or who comes with unwanted problems/situations stemming from sexual relations or encounters with her. Mostly common with females who lack desired attention and inherited their mothers' negative attitudes toward men.
"Man dont be tryin to get some Red flag pussy next thing you know you're gettin' your house shot up because you fucked the wrong bitch."
by Hardhead503 August 12, 2021
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