Jim- dude I just took a shit like a boss.

James- wowo dude, u Fukin Owned that literal shit.
by Mydudewowie November 7, 2018
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Any action taken by a person looking to have a relationship with another person, that effectively ruins their own chances of having said relationship
Guy 1: "So I was really into this girl, but when I walked up and kissed her on the cheek, she freaked out."
Guy 2: "Way to go man! Talk about Sinking Your Own Battleship!"
by fan187 July 10, 2012
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hed wear that
neil cicierega: *messing around on amazon*
also neil *finds something called "a mask of my own face"*
still him: *realizes its literally his face*
what do you think: *buys it*
do i have to: a mask of my own face id wear that id wear that
by human i think February 4, 2023
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"I reject your reality and substitute my own" is often said when someone is completely unwilling to accept the truth and instead chooses to create their own version of reality. It's often used in a joking or sarcastic way to poke fun at people who are being stubborn or delusional.
Person 1: Dude, you failed the test. You need to study more next time.
Person 2: I reject your reality and substitute my own. I actually aced the test, but the teacher accidentally marked my answers wrong.
Person 1: Uh, yeah right. Keep telling yourself that.
by Obv troll is obvious April 8, 2023
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A way for middle schoolers to call someone a hoe to their face with out them knowing
Lol He Owns Elephants. She was with 3 guys last night
by Smg February 27, 2018
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Ancient African slang for "I'm a dissapointment".
I own a Wii U.
by MindLockAERO September 15, 2022
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