Someone who will not stop wasting time. They are also commonly named Cohan
Person 1: Hey, Cohan is such a Minge Braider.

Person 2: For real, he won’t stop wasting my time with his basketball speak.
by Urfavjigaboo November 3, 2023
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A deeply insecure and distrusting man who constantly obsesses over his girlfriends, wife's or female friends attractiveness and percieve every mans interaction as an attempt to obtain access to his ladies private area. He will never relax in a social setting if there is one other man in the proximity, his hyper-vigilant state of paranoia is an issue that causes much friction in his home life
I'm so sick of him always behaving like this! I don't need a minge guardian, I can take care of myself
by Nicotharappist October 4, 2022
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A world class footballer alongside Pele and marradonna
I am watching Ralph minge play footie
by Childnumnum May 14, 2023
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When someone named Ming is reaching the peak of his night out at an excellent dance party
Wow. Ming is really minging now. Lucky fella.
by coderated December 25, 2020
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When you ming someone off it means you’re hurting them.
You’re minging me off’

Stop minging me’
by Lightskin Sensation October 24, 2020
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