The price you must pay to post your f*^king Wordle score to social media. Typically that's chugging 1 drink (beer, wine, or shot) and posting a video of it as evidence to the same social media account you're using to share your score. Nobody really cares about your wordle score and would prefer to see you pay the tax. Don't post your damned score if you're not willing to pay the tax!
I post a video of me chugging a beer every morning to pay my Wordle Tax. My family thinks I'm an alcoholic but really I just want to show off my score.
by The Ant Christ March 27, 2023
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A tariff used to protect local markets.
I can't afford to buy a light truck because of the chicken tax designed to protect us against those cheaper lightweight Japanese truck importers, so instead I'm just gonna buy a subcompact car. Why? Because they suck.
by A bugs's eyes June 16, 2022
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1. Worn out or in a state of disrepair.
2. An adjective used to describe someone who looks like a piece of worn out crap.
1. My converse are so taxed back I need a new pair.
2. Damn, Brittany Spears looks taxed back in that photo.
by baby hal May 28, 2005
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When a pass is intercepted or deflected it is reduced in quality because it was thrown at Evan Engram
Daniel Jones just threw another interception he is so bad! Nah mate Engram deflected it so u have to add Engram Tax
by Dannydimes January 3, 2021
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When a pass is intercepted or deflected it is reduced in quality because it was thrown at Evan Engram
Daniel Jones just threw another interception he is so bad! Nah mate Engram deflected it so u have to at Engram Tax
by Dannydimes January 3, 2021
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When snorting coke with the new king Charles money roll Charles on the inside to give him some of the coke
"I'm about to snort a line do you want some?"

"Make sure Charles is on the inside for the Charlie tax"
by Clancymg January 28, 2023
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The monthly reminder of the poor choice you made to procreate with a psychotic narcissist (@incubator) who plays victim, while simultaneously driving a new Jeep and spending money on her multiple paramours. A monthly financial obligation that rarely makes its way to actually supporting your children, the incubator tax is synonymous with the 7-year car loan: a necessary evil you count down every month until it's no longer. Paying your incubator tax does not guarantee you any contact or custody of your child, as incubators are known to groom and alienate children against their fathers.
Keith's ex Jenny won't let him see his kid, but she went to court to have them issue him an order to pay her every month in incubator tax so she can make her Jeep payment.
by Vigilante Dad April 29, 2023
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