- A Peice of shit that has come out of your ass...

- mikeh spikeh
Will - " mikeh spikey.. your an anus terd "
by Will July 24, 2004
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When you are fishing and a bass takes a crap on yo finger
woops i think i got a little bass-terd on my finger!
by Lina Toyer September 4, 2006
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one whos hand is so far up your ass they are shaking hands with your shit...

being nosey
yo, why are you up in my biz you terd shaker

i didnt know dustin plays with booty ... terd shakin ass bo bo

omg, i just gave his girl a terd shake.
by wreckless rick August 16, 2011
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A relentlessly appearing log of shit in a pooper. Defiant to the mighty power of the flush this persistent bastard of a shit fights for survival, sometimes making surprise visits just when you think its gone. Also referred to as a reoccurring terd, this result of a massive crap attack held strong when others failed.
"Having become overwhelmed by a crap attack, Jeff sprinted with sonic boom strength to the nearest pooper where he found satisfiying relief. Moments later, a peaceful goer by, Karen, noticed the bathroom needed new towels. Upon entering the bathroom she discovered a horrifiying lone terd. In effort to rid the office of this lone terd she flushed and flushed again unable to erradicate it. Oh poopity."
by Super Pooper Poopity November 4, 2011
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when you drop anchor and their are different shapes, smells, texture, and steam coming from five or more sections of your log.
Holy crap after eating mexican food for dinner, chinese for lunch, and eggs benedict yesterday I had the stinkiest terd kabob this morning. My terd kabob had international appeal!
by tbone32 September 17, 2006
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Going to the store with your grandpa and asking for a avocado and him saying he don't know what that is, SO you ask for a alligator terd{knowing your about to get in trouble by grandma}And he says "O" one of those! Yes you can have one! while he's smiling the hole time! Thanks Grandpa!
by JulieMay March 1, 2008
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a fucktard or wigglesworth
a worthless person who would never make it to the show "average joe"
a person who acts fruity or with baby ruth mannerisms.
a person who sucks someone's ass to get a little closer...
Johnny acted like a softie to Jules Asner, what a terd muffin!!!
by Liz T December 17, 2003
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