1. A community of unicyclists, pyromaniacs, and computer nerds.

2. An exciting, if short-lived, resource for Scrippsie's sexual frustration. Mudders are preferred to CMCers because they are less likely to turn into sexual predators.

3. A campus full of men who break up with Scrippsies by telling them that they "can't see this ending in marriage."
"Dude, you go to Harvey Mudd College? Can you get me some free tentacle porn?"

"You're dating a Mudder? Does he have time to sexually service you, when all he does is play Warhammer and D'n'D?"

"What do you mean 'your girlfriend's a Mudder'? There aren't any women there!"
by Lydia Mendoza March 8, 2008
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Would normally be referred as diarrhea, but is horribly worse. M.M.B. could result in a rectal prolapse and death. This horrid case of explosive shit squirts creates a stench so horrible that can erode iron, cause brain aneurysms, will knock a man unconscious within a 69 mile radius. M.M.B. is normally caused by malnutrition and consuming more than 3 prunes in 2 minutes. There was once a man who had a case ofM.M.B., he did not live to tell his story. While using the bathroom, the blast of his M.M.B rocketed him off the toilet, thrashing his limp body to the solid pavement. The force of the impact broke all of his bones, paralyzed him then killed him instantly. Learn from his experience.
D00d, I think I might have Mississippi Mudd Butt . Its br00ta1, I need to use your shitter.
by [zook] LYMON June 25, 2009
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Fecal Mudd Wrestling is where instead of having Jell-O in the pool that people use to wrestle in, they use fecal matter. They start by going to farms and collecting all the horse and cow fecal matter, and put it in a pool and water it down until it's like mud. Then, people get in the pool and wrestle in it.
Hey Jim, their having a Fecal Mudd Wrestling event at the dairy farm down the road, are you going to sign up?
by WhoFlungCum November 25, 2009
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one who shits their pants in the wintertime. the cold mixes with the shitty ass to create "steamy mudd butt"
the man had a severe case of steamy mudd butt which looked like a man hole cover in new york city in the wintertime.
by grosser than gross November 8, 2006
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The sensation of your ass going to sleep while having a greasy and unwipeable ass usually occuring after consumption of large quantities of fried or fatty foods. A result of oily anal discharge, leakage, or extremely tacky fecal matter. Often accompanied by, or preceded by, 'The Itis.'
F-ing despises lazy a$$ legal administrative assistants that pay no mufu-in attention to simple legal details. I swear this is the type of person that forgets to wipe their a$$ after a case of the MUDD BUTT ITIS and doesn't realizes it until the crust build up bites back.
by Serebral April 30, 2009
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When you are out with your buddies havin fun slingin some mudd around with your four-wheelers or truck tryin to not get stuck kickin ass!
I can't wait to go mudd slingin this weekend.
by Goinmuddin101520 March 28, 2005
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Man I better go blow some mudd! or I may end up with some bean juice
by mooseknuckles November 13, 2002
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