When you look at someone or something intensely with your eyes wide open looking crazy with a tilted head.
Stop giving me the lazer stare it is creeping me out!
by Lazercorn fan March 27, 2016
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the mispronounciation of "lazerdiscs" by the most incredible people in the world.
This movie is availbale on VHS and lazer dics
by jht666 October 17, 2008
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When someone get's really pissed off and has the meanest look on their face! Almost like their about to beat the crap outta you!
Guy 1: Dude, that guy has got a serious Lazer-Face on me!

Guy 2: Well then don't look at him.

Guy 1: I'm trying, but every time i do i get the feeling he's even more pissed off!
by W45H August 31, 2011
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The human ability to smear ones lips with chapstick, or some sort of lubricant. Wich in turn, makes them feel better. Alot better.
by Alice IssaBell Wonderland April 20, 2010
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A pleb that plays Xbox with Aivariux who is an absolute swaglord who totally does sex a lot (trust me)
Person 1:”who’s that neek who looks like a malnourished acorn?”
Person 2:”that’s just Lazer Guy don’t worry”
by Aivariux April 17, 2022
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noen: the plasma gun the you can get in every "doom" game that is playable.
"hey look the doom guy just picked up the lazer shark dick."
by NexusGaming May 30, 2017
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