Someone who's overly irresponsible and generally take bad decisions in life.
My son is an overdosed maniac... For the past 4 years he's been making 3 babies per year from different baby mommas but he doesn't work.
by Richie CPT February 4, 2023
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when someone takes two flintstone gummies and then eats 3 popeyes biscuits with no water and then immedietly there liver, lungs, and esophagus implodes.
"i got nothing to do with my life anymore, i'm gonna Flint-pop overdose"
by squbwarb January 23, 2023
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People, mostly girls who have pink everything. They wear pink, drive a pink car, dyed their ugly purse dogs pink and if possible they would try to breathe pink. Their entire surroundings look like a flamingo threw up all over it. They look like... Malibu Barbie extreme PINK edition.
Like wearing rose glasses and seeing everything in pink, also obsessing over pink thus leading to a pink overdose.
by AtrociousAntics August 15, 2010
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Too Much Tebow Talk. Either people talking good or bad about Tebow to the point that they overdose from it.
Person One: In church when we go down on one knee to pray,
we call that Genuflecting.
Person Two: No you are wrong, that is called Tebowing.
Person One: Maybe you should go to the Hospital for your Tebow Overdose.
by Poop Stain Barney January 19, 2012
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When an insurmountable of oral stimulation and ejaculation occurs, that someone goes into a near state of comatose. Can happen to either partner because either the dome is so good for the guy, or the amount of ejaculation is so enormously large for the girl that a state of gratifying and indulging state is met by overwhelming nausea.
"Didn't Bill Clinton nearly experienced an oral overdose from Monica?"
"Hey man, oral overdose is some scary shit and nothing to joke about, sometimes that head is just too fucking good and we can't control our reactions."
by Michael Sock October 5, 2017
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it is a overdose of lactate
im having a lactate overdose
by lactate overdose September 24, 2023
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The white- foamy substance that bubbles out of the mouth of an overdose victim.
Becky overdosed on that shirm and she got all that overdose foam on me.
by Sweetlu31 April 2, 2015
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