A girl who likes to go for any boy for a penis, especially fellas that start with a V. As long as she gets with a guy a maximum of 12 days after a breakup she should be okay, if not she will decompose and listen to billie eyelash and fuck her delphine for a few days.
You see her? Pulling every guy in the room, yep that's definitely a talia
by Opsiee October 17, 2019
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Talia is the gayest person you will ever meet.
Oh god Talia is so gay
by Rainbowgay2 August 15, 2020
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From my experience a talia is a happy and amazing friend and also loves teddies and has probs her weight in them . But talias r very nice ppl but do care about them selves aswell as others and also hate tomatoes
Don't give talia a tomatoe:random begger of the street
by Drop.kicking.your.nan. July 25, 2020
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Similar to the Elyse Effect leaves the victim confused/frustrated causing them a loss of sleep. The 'Talia Effect' will change your average seven to eight hours of sleep to more like 3 hours. This effect occurs when girls under the name Talia leave you confused, frustrated, or angry. The effect can last two to three weeks.
Haywood: Hey bro, you ok? You seem pretty tired.

You: Yeah, I'm good. Just the Talia Effect that kept me up. It's falawful. I haven't slept in days.

Haywood: I know what you mean. Same thing happened to me but it was the Elyse Effect
by Anonymous Turtle March 2, 2015
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the most incredible human being in the world. she is fit as anything with her amazing eyes and nose. she may change her hair a lot, but anything suits her. she has tattoos that make her even more fit. moreover, her personality is banging and she deserves an incredible boyfriend.
jeez, talia mar is there and i am horny af now
by simon mini minter December 21, 2021
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a girl who is slim thicc. got bunda. kinda shy but not really and is basically perfection
by qwerty_uiop_4235 December 13, 2021
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A type of penguin, only 1 in the world and close to extinction. Yassified, it is also often homosexual.
"Hey, who's that?"
"Talia Saldana, my pet penguin."
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