N. A truly great pwn. Pwnage so awesome, it is legit.
dude your pwning was totally legit
by Liz Egbert December 22, 2006
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A ponytail that is braided and tied just like the ones of Colonial Times. It IS in good taste to immediately scream out such description to your friends and colleagues.
I was walking through the mall when I spotted a Colone Pone.
by BT 3PLO DEGREES BOIZ June 3, 2009
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{Poned}This is when you put your cheek out for someone to kiss and when they lean in... you move and kiss them on the lips! YOU JUST GOT PONED BITCH!!!!!!
John leaned his cheek into Haleigh's face and and when she closed her eyes to kiss his cheek he switched it up and she kissed him on the lips! SHE GOT PONED!!! everyone saw it, don't try and lie Haleigh. Just ask Andrew and Stewart!
by Okie Doke! April 1, 2009
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An eggless corn bread that can be deepfried or baked.
Usually popular in the south.
Can not be used to refer to a person.
We had ham and beans with corn pone for supper.
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Corn pone is another word for a hillbilly, or poe dunk.
Barry: "Did you see that fool in the overalls, standing there holding a pig? He is such a Corn Pone."
by VegasKristy January 3, 2006
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The term "corn pone" is often used as a noun to refer to those who have certain rural, unsophisticated peculiarities, often associated with the trashy and trailer park types. As well as an adjective to describe "hick" characteristics. The term is often directed at those from rural areas where imbreeding is rampant.
Whoa, Dude is corn pone!
by steven harper September 28, 2006
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A pair of Pony cleats that are gained through joining a school athletic team with the attainer of the Pony cleats quitting directly after aquisition of said cleats, and then wearing the same cleats to school and other public functions until the cleats are worn down to shoes.
Dude, remember in 7th grade when that fool sported the Billy-Pones?
by Raagers October 12, 2004
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