To merge, as in during data processing.
I shall now munge these data. - Deana K.
by Scott J. March 7, 2006
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1. "We MUNGED the url to mitigate against a hack-back."

2. This thing is so MUNGED up, it'll take weeks to fix!
by mainframe November 1, 2003
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A topic of discussion so repulsively grotesque that it will destroy relationships and leave the participants irreperably scarred.
David was foolish enough to mention the word 'munging' on a date. She never spoke to him again.
by David the Unwise November 10, 2008
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To Munge (derivative of the italian term mangia, meaning eat) is to orally stimulate a female's vagina by "eating her out". Will usually result in an orgasm, and is often followed by a blowjob (if not done already) and or intercourse, as well as an increased willingness to make you sandwiches.
Bob: hey Fred, you having olga over tonight?
Fred: yeah man, gonna have a munge.

Bob: infinite sandwiches for you.

*high five*
by bob von bobson December 29, 2015
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(verb) The act of ramming a live cactus up a woman's ass, and sloshing it back and forth, while gently and pleasurably fingering her pussy, until she simultaneously cums and bleeds, leaving her writhing in pleasure AND pain.
Guy 1: Dude, I got into a fight with my mom a few days ago, so as revenge, I munged the SHIT out of her last night.
Guy 2: Damn man, that's pretty harsh...
Guy 1: Yeah, I know, but it's to teach her a lesson!
by eYe EaT tranvestitties 321 December 1, 2017
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You and a friend dig up a not-too-recently deceased woman, preferably over 60 years in age. You lay her face up on the ground and you put your mouth on her vagina. Your friend takes a running start and jumps onto her stomach. You eat whatever comes out into your mouth.
Used in a sentence: "I'm going to mung your grandmother"
by Mungboy March 9, 2005
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When, upon finding a rotting, stank, bloated from sitting in the sun, and frankly just all around disgusting female corpse, one places one's mouth over the vaginal opening, punches the corpses stomach, and proceeds to devour any and all fluids that issue thereof.
Hannibal was probably a big fan of the munge.
by Trueirony April 20, 2006
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