When you're playing a Mario game with a friend and you "accidentally" jump on his head, resulting your friend to lose a power-up or die.
Friend: "Bro! Stop doing The Arin Hanson!"
You: "I'm sorry! It's just an 'accident'!"
by uraK March 1, 2019
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Someone that you can easily fall in love with but will break your heart without even knowing it.
by Yee yee mc cree February 23, 2019
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This is the effect that takes place when any of the Hanson songs are played. It makes you feel good, and has the tendency to make you fall in love with prepubescent boys. However, this will NOT make you a lesbian, because they will soon get first hair on ball, and get buzz cuts.

May cause drowsiness, dizziness, or premature ejaculation.
Man, that mmbop has got me feelin that The Hanson Effect
by Yeeknow March 11, 2011
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Reducing one's credibility in any argument by using words like "lib", "liberal" or "liberals". One a person uses the above words with derogatory intent, he demonstrates his political bias, polarizes his audience and loses any remaining credibility.

Once Hanson's law is invoked, the offenders argument is considered useless banter or low level regurgitated propaganda from that point forward.
Case 1- "Why do you liberals hate America?"

Hanson's law has been invoked

Case 2- "You're a liberal, that's why".
by A non liberal June 8, 2005
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John Hanson is a handsome man in his 60s, he hits on younger women and smells of freshly cut grass
I wrote a song about John Hanson
by A.holmes November 9, 2019
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Hanson's Law- As the result of seemingly endless political chat room and message board flame wars, basic human social decorum dictates that once a person uses the word(s); “libs”, "liberal" or "liberals", they immediately establish their political bias, polarize their audience and lose all credibility.

At this point, Hanson’s Law has been invoked and offender’s statements are reduced to the level of worthless political propaganda.
Case 1 – “You believe that because you’re a liberal.”

Hanson’s law has been invoked.

Case 2 – “Why do liberals hate America?”

Hanson’s law has been invoked.
by Bob's your uncle June 8, 2005
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An amazing school district with an award winning High school. Many AMAZING people live(d) there.
you: Do you know where the drummer from Journey grew up?

me: Yeahh, went to Whitman-Hanson. Many cool people live there!
by dancingqueenxoxo January 20, 2011
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