1) another way to describe my family

2) the lyrics to the blink 182 song, family reunion. it is repeated 4 times, then followed by: i fucked your mom

3) a really fun thing to say infront of an adult (try it)
by queers annonomous June 22, 2003
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To get so heavily intoxicated that the participant's position on the space time continuum becomes fluid as he/she 'crosses over.'
Often associated with a complete blurring of the lines between life and death, gay and straight, able bodied and paralysed, and continent and not.
'Bro, I definitely won the 'drunkest man in Europe' award last night- I was so turbo mega cunt fucked that I crossed-over and woke up in a chicken coop felching a shop mannequin. The only thing that's going to shift this hangover is a masturbaywatch. Now, want to help me fuck this mannequin?'
by Anonymous submissions December 13, 2016
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your friends fucks you over for the last time so you are fucking done with his shit
im sick of your fucking shit cunt
by Rrrssvhj July 28, 2020
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When someone is being bothered by a certain someone and is starting to get really pissed off and wants them to just go away or shut up.
Michal: "It is a verb then"
Patryczku: "Michalku, just Fuck Off You Cunt"
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1) a series of offensive words, used in an undesireable situation.
2) a series of offensive words, used only to shock or disturb those around you.
3) an insulting request, translates to "have sex with this piece of poo, you who has a vagina in the place of their rectum."
Fuck shit, ass cunt.
Fuck! Shit! Ass! Cunt!
by Acephalous February 25, 2004
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An ancient australian proverb :
What it lacks in sophistication and depth, it makes up for wholeheartedly with a delightful clarity.
Nurse : "Here are some pharmaceutical psychotropic drugs for your toddler."
Anyone with an IQ above room temperature : "Fuck off you cunt !"
by Labiosexon February 3, 2020
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