(see also: parents)

1) An imaginary concept invented by adults, who use the excuse of 'blood relation' to explain why a: you must have their permission for everything you do, b: you must always love them more than you love anybody else, and c: everything they do to ruin your life is 'for your own good.'

2) The name you give to the people whose house you live in until you can afford not to.

3) What it's called when two people have a baby and then proceed to stake a permanent claim on anything and everything to do with that child's life from conception until death based on the idea that just because he or she came out of their private parts that gives them the right and obligation to be a part of their life forever.

4) A contract made between two generations when the younger generation receives allowance, food, and bedding and the older generation receives complete and total power over the younger and the right and ability to completely ruin their lives whenever beneficial to them.
1. Ex. "YES you have to come on this week-long trip with us; you're a part of this family!"

2. Ex. "Let's go to your house; I'd rather you not have to put up with my family."

3. Ex. "You will respect us because we are your family!"

4. Ex. "You will do this because that's what it means to be in this family."
by C.S.H. December 28, 2010
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1. Something about or related to the family.

2. Something typical of the family
1. Female baboons recieve rank according to their familial ties.

2. The familial shape of his nose made evident he was form Lord Brurlingtom's House.
by Emily.D&D.princess October 10, 2006
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The most hilarious people on earth. Knows how to make you laugh!!
I love my crazy, lovely, beautiful family!!!
by Hilarious! April 18, 2013
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A group of people said to have originated from somewhere within the Rio Grande Valley, bordering the Texas-Mexico boundary.

These individuals care for all within the group, and even those outside of it. They seek to better themselves, and to just simply enjoy life.
That there is The Family
by Someone from before October 5, 2009
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There are 10 types of family

1.Lineal/Immediate Family
parents, grandparents, etc. Children, grandchildren etc.

2.Collateral Family
Aunts, uncles, cousins etc.

3.Adoptive Family
Family by adoption

Your step-parent's side of the family.Your step-kids are also your step-family. Step-grandpa, stepmom, step-sister etc.

Family of Family or Stepfamily, but not YOUR family.

Your god-parents side of the family is your god-family. God mother, god father, god sister etc.

This is what happens when you say "Love ya like a sister!" to your BFF. She becomes costco family because you love her like family.

Your legal gaurdian(s) and the people who live with them are your custodial family, related or not.

9.Marital Family
Your spouse and anyone who lives with them falls into this category.

The family of your spouse, or the spouse of a relitave.
1. Don't say you don't have a Lineal Family, because you do.

2. My mom is Immediate family, and so her other children are my collateral family.

3. I wish I could be adopted by a better family

4. Sexual relations with your stepfamily IS incest!

5. Twins run in my side-family.

6. My godfamily is a small family of two.

7. I was looking forward to spending time with my costco family over summer vacation.

8. I heard someone in your custodial family is pregnant with triplets?

9. My marital family drives me crazy sometimes.

10. My bff is my sister-in-law.
by Anna Lynn Sanders June 2, 2010
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A family is a group of people who are related. A
woman loves a man, they have childeren. A parent is either a man or woman who have childeren. The woman and man have parents of their own. To the the children, they are grandparents. The grandparents' parents to the children are called great grandparents. Then to great great parents, and so on.

The man and womans' siblings to the kids are aunt and uncle. The uncle is the brother of the mand and woman. And the aunt is the sister. The parents' aunt and uncles to the kids are great aunt and uncle.

A brother and sister is the childeren of a man and woman. The girl is the sister. The boy is the brother.

Most families love eachother. Some families can have parents that get divorced and makes the family complicated. The father may take one kid, the mother might take the other. Or one could take both.
My family is sweet and loving to me.
by Kitten Lover April 5, 2010
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The people you are ashamed to be related to.
Person1: those people are so stupid
Person2: yeah, that's my family
by Doomedname July 17, 2017
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