whats up / and the cuz meaning is a another word for nigga sometime

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yo my nigga watts crackin cuz.
by C GHOST December 4, 2017
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1. When you smoke and your ass gets sent to another world. You sit frozen in your seat zoned out looking at the floor.

2. When the munchies are hitting and you eating slow asf
Julian: Yo manny what is this? This shits crackin’ my headtop

Manny: It’s that gas nigga ⛽️
by papachimney October 10, 2019
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The ancient ritual of opening an ice cold beer with the boys. One of the most important moments of a boys life.
Sorry honey Saturday's are for crackin open a cold one with the boys
by 420yourmom May 31, 2017
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I think should we get crackin jackin so lets get crackin jackin, spiffy, niffy, snazzy, jazzy, crack, jack, crackin, jackin, smackin, cool, fool, tool, smool, jack, to go, start,fart,smart,dart,cart,lets go,crackin,jackin,started, farted,a greeting
by Sihan Wu December 10, 2007
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This is a term I came up with that my friends and I use to define to someone they are doing an extremely crazy act with out actually telling them they sound like they are smokin' crack without actually saying they are smokin' crack.
My friend says " hey, i'm gonna go put lambo doors on my 1995 sr20hoopdie" and I say "What kind of smoke you be crackin'?
by Sarah M. Schauer December 12, 2004
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