It's Another championships happening a few days after the first championships. Swimming conference championships combine 4 or more leagues ( A league, B league, etc). They all have to compete in events that they got a certain time for. Every time or sometimes, the top 8 people in the event get to make it to the swimming finals.
Person 1: "Did you make in to Swimming Conference Championships?"
Person 2: "No I didn't have a good time for any of my events."
by urlocalcoolperson1111 August 3, 2022
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Putting several phones on speaker mode, and having the overlapping volume from one carry over to the other/s, giving the effect of a conference call.
Yo, Jose, the 3-way call feature on my phone isn't working. Will you help me with a Mexican Conference Call?
by philosorapper27 June 30, 2012
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A Mid-Major FBS Conference known for getting the shit kicked out of it. Located primarily in the Southeastern USA, The Sun Belt is widely considered the worst FBS Conference.
Arkansas State: Sun Belt Conference Champions!

Dude, the Sun Belt got the snot kicked out of it last saturday...
by REDWOLF4LIFE December 3, 2013
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When a person repeatedly avoids answering a question by changing the subject or rambling on with an incoherent anecdote.
"I can't get a straight answer out of this guy! He keeps holdin' a Marinelli Press Conference!"
by Mouf Breathah November 17, 2008
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When someone throws a shoe at you
I was so pissed at James, that I performed an Iraqi press conference and knocked him the fuck out
by Burn813 November 21, 2013
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The person who sucks the life force out of every one else involved by constantly repeating information or discussing a topic ad naseum. After being in contact with a Conference call dementor most people wish for death...
As a conference call dementor, Carol went on about the pie graph for an hour, before Phillip ran screaming from the room
by office minion August 7, 2012
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A conference room circle jerk is when many management consultants gather to express their intelligence (see clown posse) while not getting anything done. Although many individuals who engage in this behavior come from a fraternity background, a conference room circle jerk has the opposite rules of "soggy biscuit" in that the goal is not to climax early, but rather to hold back your "pearls of wisdom" until the end of the designated meeting end time. This makes you appear to be the smartest person in the room. The loser or the consumer of the "soggy biscuit" is the individual who is in the room not paying attention while attempting to complete actual work. This person is assigned any (usually asinine) action items from the meeting.
Paul: Wow, what a conference room circle jerk! We literally spent three hours of my life that I will never get back.

Ed: That sounds terrible. Who ate the soggy biscuit?

Paul: Unfortunately Eric, he was dealing with a client issue while trying to keep his sanity during the clown show.
by B-MAG November 3, 2013
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