To "ejaculate" come backs all over someone as a verbal retaliation. A full blown attack of the tongue.
"If Bitch talks smack, I'm a "comeback-ulate" all over her grill."

"You come towards me talking shit, I will "comeback-ulate" all over your Facebook."
by Aychee F June 19, 2009
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'9ers down 5 with 20 seconds. Montana back to throw, hits Rice on the crossroute. Score!!!!!! Touchdooooooooown 49ers!!!!!!! The comeback king strike again!!
by fjfjjfnfsjera December 23, 2010
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Someone who had graduated high school yet still continues to come back to said school during breaks and lunch, usually they're men 18 and older.

The comeback kid is sometimes referred to as a "perv" or "pathetic." But I prefer to think of them as just desperate for some pussy.
Girl #1: So what are you doing for lunch today?
Girl #2: I'm going with (random guys name).
Girl #1: Didn't he graduate like 3 years ago?
Girl #2: Yeah.
Girl #1: Fucking comeback kid.
by stephiebabyy August 14, 2009
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When you made a comeback once, but then you do it again
“Yo, HSI made a second comeback
by HSI Sugarland September 29, 2018
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so someone makes fun of you cause your fat. what do you do. stutter about their ugliness? or play off your own body structure. you decide ;)
Dude 1. Man your such a fat ass!
Dude 2. The only reason im so fat, is cause everytime i fucked your mother she gave me a cookie.

Dude 1. Why the hell are you so fat?
Dude 2. Hey.... Im fat, your ugly. I can lose weight.

Theres two of my favorite fat joke comebacks ever.
by a_penis_lol1 October 5, 2010
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When there is a dispute going on between two people, and one person has such an idiotic comeback that makes NO sense.
"Yeah, that's what your mom said last night!"
"Yeah, that's what she said......"
"Man, that was such a George Bush comeback!"
by Kristi S. June 22, 2007
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An occurance that takes place when two or more people are arguing. One person insults another using an allusion, the person whom the insult was directed at is unfamiliar with the allusion, her/she then uses his/her ignorance of the thing being alluded to as (the basis of) a comeback.
Person 1: "What the hell is wrong with you!?! is your frontal lobe disconnected!?!"
Person 2: "What the fuck are you talking about? your fucking stupid!"

Person 1: goddamn your biggoted! are you related to Archie Bunker?
Person 2: Who the hell is Archie bunker, is he your Mastabatory Fantasy?

-Person 2 has used a Comeback from ignorance in both examples
by ElbowTheHappyViking May 14, 2010
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