Intimacy anorexia is the active withholding of emotional, spiritual, and/or sexual intimacy from a spouse or significant other. A type of attachment style. Someone who avoids getting too close with people. Usually avoids being emotionally intimate. A person that gives crumbs, instead of the whole cookie because they’re never able to be all in with you. This type of person is usually content being this way.
Jessica: “This guy I’m talking to, isn’t being consistent. He’s great one second, then really dry the next. Somethings up.”
Janelle: “Sounds like he has intimacy anorexia. You should stay away.”
by hahanessa December 10, 2020
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An eating disorder most common in little girls or young ladies aged 16+

Fear of becoming old (wants to look young, stay young looking, have the cute cherubic good looks)
Fear of becoming fat (dieting/starving)
Fear of being anorexic (the disorder. they deny having it)
Fear of fat/fat people/the word 'fat'/being called fat
Fear of other anorexics (themselves)
Fear of medication, treatement, people, doctors, nurses, recovering, they are scared they will be fat in other words.

Also an EXTREME FEAR (high phobia) or a very high fear of gaining weight. That is, normal to slight weight gain, even a small amount of weight gain unless it's very small like 10g. They are scared of gaining weight even for normal breast developing (during puberty), or even gaining back the previous weight they lost (e.g. 9kg) during bad cases of the disorder anorexia (meaning "she's sooo very skinny!"). they think they're fat in other words.
anorexics are almost right

anorexia is not sexy, neither are anorexics

not eating means one is anorexic

stop being anorexic!

you're an anorexic!

omg! you guys are all anorexics and i don't mean it in a good way!

why aren't i an anorexic

anorexia nervosa is hell
by kikyou June 16, 2008
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Although looked down by society due to the health issues involved, it is a condition that can make women extremely attractive.
Jessica used to be average and unnoticeable, but she is so hot now she has anorexia nervosa.
by WahooWa October 16, 2007
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1. Catchy T-shirt slogan worn mostly by overweight people.
Ironic in usage.

2. Actual excuse given by overweight people, whether in honesty, lie, or sarcasm, for their weight.
by AKi47 October 3, 2005
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phrase often quoted by fat people to explain their weight.

they now have t-shirts!

Sally: o_O are you really going to eat 27 big macs?

Joe: *chews*

Sally: you know how many calories those have...

Joe: i beat anorexia.

Sally: oh! well then... eat up! ^^
by Kohrtni-Lin October 2, 2005
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When the kitchen is never clean enough, even if you just cleaned it this morning and there's only a small layer of dishes and food scraps that need to be cleared away. And it really bothers you.
To the point of muttering to yourself.
Roommate - "The kitchen is so dirty I can't stand it"
You - "it's really not that bad man, there's only a meals worth of dishes on the counter"
Roommate - "You're right, but it still bothers me, I must have kitchen anorexia"
by RazorsG February 2, 2017
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What people say when they have overcome a life threatening disorder; to do so is an amazing accomplishment which takes intense treatment, hard work, dedication, and a belief in true health. The phrase is one that should never be joked about, as many women die before they are able to say it.
It took years, but I beat anorexia. I feel like myself again.
by BrennaClaire November 17, 2005
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