Algebra: a derivative from the arabic word "Al-Jaber"
algebra is one of the main branches of pure mathematics.
When unlike other branches, it uses letters to refer to unknown numbers, and you're usually required to figure out what number does the letter refer to.
Complicaited yes, but absolutely fun.
Unlike what some idiots stated, it can be use very frequently in daily life!
Algebra can vary from Elementary algebra which is the easiest, to Algebraic combinatorics.

Algebra is the best lesson in school, it can be a bit complicated yet very logical and easy.
Algebra is my favorite subject in school.
by Smart-girl November 28, 2009
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The branch of mathematics concerned with the manipulation of mathematical operations, variables, sets, groups, and fields. There are two main branches of algebra.

Elementary algebra is all about functions, combinatorics, and certain calculus concepts. The quadratic formula, the Binomial Theorem, and limits are all found here.

Abstract algebra has a lot to do with groups and set manipulation. Linear algebra, the study of vectors, can be found here as well.
The Abel-Ruffini Theorem states that there is no general formula to find the roots of a polynomial equation of degree 5 (quintic) or higher. This is an elementary algebra statement, but is proved using Galois Theory.
by Dracco123 July 23, 2019
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A special and magical time for numbers and letters to crush your soul and diminish every hope. Also a pretty good time to go on Buzzfeed, draw dicks on textbooks, and make "That's what she said" jokes.
Bro we got algebra! Get ready for some serious internet surfing.
by #algbuddy February 7, 2018
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A sensible, useful system of mathematics used for solving rudimentary equations without knowing one of the constants. Commonly referred to as "hard" by people with an IQ in single digits to make themselves feel better about the fact that they cannot complete one of the most important core aspects of mathematics and logic in general.
A:"Hey I failed the algebra test again!"
B:"90% of the questions were something like 4x = 20. How could you fail that you fucking troglodyte? Use basic logic and arithmetic dude..."
A:"What? Use basic logic and arithmetic? Nah fuck that. I'm going to Urban Dictionary to dislike definitions in support of an important mathematical concept to make up for the fact I am mentally retarded."
by マジで死にたい May 4, 2019
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1. (noun) The blond blonde babe with the major league boobs who helps you with your math classes.
“Dude, I understand this algebra crap cold, but since Linda is my Alge-Bra, I play dumb. The girl’s got some fine cans."
by boppa23 July 19, 2011
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You're probably doing your algebra homework right now at 11 pm when you should be asleep, fuck algebra.
Nah it's cool, I'll leave it off until tonight......FUCK IT'S 11 PM, fuck algebra..
by algebrasucksballs November 12, 2013
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