When you are fucking a chick so hard your condom rips and looks like peter pan's arm sleeve
Hey man after fucking amber, my condom looked liked Peter Pan's Sleeve.
by Chase and Stature March 8, 2011
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When white suburban kids refuse to grow up and confuse gangsta rap with real life
"Stupid kid shot his friend in the head, yes he was 27..he must have been suffering from Peter Pan Syndrome"
by ontharun April 20, 2015
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Someone who can be described as "a gay little man in tights" or "a man whore that hits on anything that looks like a girl."

It is very hard to fit these requirements, however unless you are at a costume party or an actual "man whore"
Jeez, is he hitting on Jessica? Wasn't he just doing that with Allysa? God, he's such a peter pan.

You came to the party like that? What are you supposed to be, Peter pan???
by Megg<3 January 20, 2008
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Peter pan is a name given to a man who seems to be in possession of a vagina. this man is a complete fag who needs to shut his damn mouth.
Example 1 : Friend 1 "Hey dude you wanna go to the store with me, im getting some socks. i dont need you to come i would just really love the company" Friend 2 "Fuck you Peter Pan! go by yourself pussy"

Example 2: " Dude you wanna go to this Sam Adams concert with me?" friend responds," What am i gay? Sam adams is more of a peter pan than you are"
by A big jenky cunt November 19, 2010
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When a man over 40 dates women in their 20s… because he isn’t mentally matured enough to Meet the standards of women within his age group. These men often don’t commit until they’re elderly.. or act as sugar daddies to the PYT’s and many eventually start families and/or marry these women that have no genuine interest in being with an older man outside of the security or potential benefits the man can provide due to his advanced age and financial success.

The syndrome aspect is that these men are not matured enough to date women that have a established sense of self & life experience to Have learned from … so they keep dating women so much younger that they are looked up to by them instead of equal to them.
“Man you have Peter Pan syndrome… you mess around like you’re forever 21 and you’re old enough to be somebody’s grandpa!”
by EllisonB August 2, 2022
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When the shelves at a grocery run out of peter pan peanutbutter.
What do you mean there's a Peter pan peanutbutter alert!!!!!
by tony pinto December 3, 2007
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A similar event to Emergency Meeting, hosted by Andrew and Tristan Tate. It is a meeting that is casual in setting but serious in topic.
"I'm going to gather the five most perspicacious and indefatigable men I know and hold a Peter Pan Peanutbutter Alert to discuss the future of society whilst smoking cigars"
by jackoncrack13 October 10, 2023
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