A man who breastfeeds babies
The mother died in child birth so the father became the milkman for the newborn.
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A person who takes the cap off of a milk carton and puts their dick in the carton hole like a pussy.
Carl: I finally found out what Steve does in his bedroom, the guy's a total Milkman.
by Professional Educator September 21, 2020
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A milkman is a person who milks a cow and or women to gain profit
I am a milkman and my wife helps my business
by Cyanide and suicide July 14, 2018
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This is the act of someone who milks a cow and or women, selling it for a profit
I'm a milkman my wife has a lot to share
by Cyanide and suicide July 14, 2018
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The first person to lose in the No-Nut Challenge
"Josh lost the No-Nut Challenge, what a milkman!"
by A Horse With No Name June 16, 2020
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Ron is dating Matilda, he's a milkman for sure.
by Neojust January 30, 2022
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