a moist flap of skin, often hairy and dark brown. If you get lucky sometimes you can find rubbery gooey hooch flaps. Often found on a hooch dog or a balls chinnigan McGuffin. Hooch flaps can not be found in south west asia, so don't bother looking there. But the Hot Spot for Hooch flaps are in north America and sometimes south east Africa. Good luck on your hooch flap search
Them are some nice hooch flaps you got there!
by hoochfan November 4, 2013
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1) prostitute/female sex worker's pussy.
2) pussy (weak human being)
1) I'm getting some hooch kooch.
2) Stop being such a hooch kooch.
by ziv June 20, 2005
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A female who is sexually permiscuous, well educated, and very high class.
Marie is hooch-a-rrific.
by Hooch in training April 28, 2006
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This sexually move, quite common in Russia, is preformed by fucking some girl, preferably dumb, and when you're about to cum you turn her over and let your dog fuck her as you blow a load on her face.
I gave that girl the Turner and Hooch she's never looked better than when my dog was hitting that ass.
by Col. Pooper August 23, 2008
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a whore/muffin/alchoholic drink/the reefer

bacically anything...especially megan. ZEH HOOCH


hey...hand me one of those sweet looking hooch muffins

you are such a hooch muffin.

li3k hoooch. ow3ned
by MELLY March 10, 2004
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Used to describe a female dog menstratating and the discharge of excrement.
I can't believe all of the pooter hooch drippings Fifi left on the rugs and carpets today!
by tastiboi January 28, 2010
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