the urge to make out with or an attraction to fat people of the opposite sex.
Matt: Did you see who Joe left the bar with last night?

Scott: yeah, Sabina must be weigh at least 250 lbs. Joe's got swine flu.
by fireskim April 28, 2009
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A flu that makes you attracted to morbidly obese men, usually homosexual, and named Cipriano.
Example 1:
Girl One: Man, I got the swine flu.
Girl Two: You slept with Mr. Mendez?!

Example 2:
Girl One: I've got the swine flu, I'm so horny!
Cipriano Mendez: HERE I AM!
by stefashoniqua May 1, 2009
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When a non-white person is attracted sexually to white people, opposite of jungle fever
tyrone: man I don't know whats going on all of a sudden i think white girls are cute

malcolm: dawg you got swine flu.
by highflyer08 June 17, 2009
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A type of propaganda created by the news media and the US government to scare people into socialized medicine.
CNN newscaster: There is a HUGE pandemic called *gasp* the Swine Flu. If we don't act now, we are all going to be doomed. It said in the Bible that this swine flu in the book of Revelation might be the sign of impending armageddon. There are sick children in New York that needs this health care and they can't afford it.
Fox newcastors: Yeah, yeah, is just the flu. We need to spend more money on kickin' Iranian ass and try to keep Israel from being distroyed. That will kill us off way faster than this flu.
by Kyle230 October 28, 2009
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The kind of flu you get from hamjobs.
I heard that Melissa Joan Hart got the swine flu from giving out so many hamjobs.
by Justin Hamjob May 14, 2009
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Having a romantic obsession with people of the Mexican race.
Guy1: "I want myself a little latina mamacita!!:

Guy2: "Man, you have a seious case of Swine Flu Fever!"
by HeadHandsomeBossMan August 15, 2009
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An erection that comes completely out of nowhere and results in women panicing, buying surgical masks, and hiding their children. Also causes people to run from the room once symptoms persist. Treatment includes laying in bed feeling sorry for yourself and social isolation. There is no vaccination for Swine Flu Boner and symptoms can often re-occur.
''Jesus Christ Mr. Brown, what the fuck is that?! Oh god! Gordon's got a swine flu boner!''
by iKaite July 15, 2009
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