First coined by Eroku during Dauntless Alpha. Ragetail Gnasher adds a move to his set in which he puts his head to the ground and scoots along knocking players aside and generally being a pain in the ass. This is now known as the "Snoot Scoot".
You can boop the snoot during the snoot scoot
by Eroku May 13, 2018
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shoot snoot /SHUTE-snute/, verb
1. To shoot nasal mucus
2. To shave by firing a gun
3. To cut a sunflower down the middle with a machete
4. To turn dark gray.
1. When I shoot snoot, it is always vitreous.
2. I had to shoot snoot this morning.
by Sodium Thallium E! September 30, 2007
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a exclamation usually shouted in contempt or anger.
Person 1: Hey so i heard your mom's a crack-whore.
Person 2: Horse-Snoots! How'd you know?
by jewche bag April 2, 2009
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A large blue-ish Alligator with with grey underbelly and green claws. 3 year old children tend to favor this strange creature. Pluddly snoots likes to creep at ppl without their knowledge and also loves baths.
OMG today i was like in the shower and i heard a noise and i turned around and a great big Pluddly snoots was sittin there creepin at me....
by Melanie delgado February 4, 2010
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1. When a man ejaculates while receiving oral sex and the force of the ejaculation is blasted out of the other person's nose.

2. a derogatory term to refer to a fallacious woman.
by Mev186 July 4, 2015
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When you snort cocaine of of a persons ass.
I got a fist full of dollars and a 8-ball and I'ma get a booty-snoot.
by J.B. Fiend 69 December 14, 2010
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