Shane Dawson is an awesome youtuber who makes videos like dumb life hacks and conspiracy videos.
Danielle- is Shane Dawson bi?
Me- yup he and Ryland are cute
by PersonmcPeopleface April 16, 2019
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Someone who makes fun of minorities and sexualized a child.
Friend: Shane Dawson just got cancelled

Me: what?! Why?!

Friend: he sexualized a little girl 5years ago.

Me: awww:( I used to support him:(
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A pure soul that understands the minds of other humans and uses his gift and heart in his platform! Shane & Opera.....basically the same! Nothing greater than a person opening the deepest reality of other humans to prove that we all should have faith in everyone! He's a gift to everyone! Shane gains all his fame by helping others gain more fame as well! He's overall a blessing and his personality is exactly what we all should aim to be!!!! He just cares a lot about other ppl....plain and simple!!
by JA. October 12, 2018
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someone who has came in and on their cat
Bro, did you hear about Kris? Word is he shane dawsoned (past tense) his cat
by Yee Olde Yeeter March 24, 2019
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