Average. Some good points, some bad points. Overall just passes the time.
Jason X was so-so.
by Kung-Fu Jesus April 18, 2004
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1. Roughly equivalent of "oh what's his face."
2. an undesirable, as in "you no-good little so and so..."
Person A - I told the same thing to, oh, so and so...
Person B - You did? You no good little so and so!!!!!!!!!!
by Tom Navarro April 13, 2007
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General referral to an unnamed person
The rumour has it that so-and-so is a definite no-no.
by Hercolena Oliver December 29, 2009
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The same as the po-po's but these kind of cops pull you over and give you a warning, so they are still po-po's for pulling you over, but they let you off, so they're so-so's
mike - crap it's the po-po's
officer - watch your speed next time
jorge - fucken po-po's bro
mike - meh, the so-so's
by Nachoz- May 9, 2008
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that that person is kinda doing good and at the same time kinda not.

How are you doing?
by flo October 29, 2003
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n., Acronym - 'Significant Other'.
My S.O. can't join us for drinks later.
by T.D. January 20, 2003
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