is a SEX GOD, if u every sex him, he will sex u right back. Down for anything except GAY SHIT. he has a small penis but makes due, pretends is huge for the girls, not guys cuz he's not gay at all. He is so against gays that he could be known as hitler to gay people. BOOM BOOM BOOM. Evan likes SEX, wants it very bad #virgin. Evan likes playing tonsil hockey
Evan loves sex with everyone except GUYs he HATES gay people
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A half black guy that enjoys giving hand jobs in the parking lot of any family restaurant. This type of person acts high and mighty but crys them self to sleep while masturbating every night. If you are ever in the presence of one leave immediately or you may become infected with AIDS.
Evan is a fag
by Phill Davis December 29, 2011
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He is completely stupid and probably has an IQ of 0.
He’s so stupid what’s his name

He must be Evan
by Jumpscare200 October 5, 2020
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All around average. Average-height, average-looking...
generally from a small town, striving for a new identity as more southern than already perceived.
1) usually attracted to tall blond girls ~ 5'10.5''
2) loves to twerk
3) not good at basketball
4) 'former ginger'
"Yo, wasn't that blond boy's hair red just last week?"
"He pulled an evan."

"Look there's the 'one-who-must-not-be-named!"
"Quick, check that bush for an evan! I'm sure there's one hiding somewhere around here."
by yoursMB March 24, 2013
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A kid who gets really triggered easily playing video games and when he's wrong. (Probably triggered reading this) and has been Spiderman fo Halloween at least three times. Basically he is basic. But hey, at least he doesnt play fortnite.
Kid: Evan I believe that you answered the question wrong
Evan: no I didnt,

Also Evan: realizes mistake
Also Evan: Screw you
by TheDefinitioner54 October 25, 2019
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1. The action of being addicted to stealing

2.Someone with the name Evan who likes to steal
by Somerandomguystartingwithn November 25, 2013
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