A preppy and aesthetic kiddo who is butiful and is amazing in every way because she is preppy.
Wow Eloise is so Preppy.”
by Coolpreppykid17 January 13, 2022
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She is a preppy and aesthetic kiddo who loves talking. She is butiful and not u-gly at all.
Wow Eloise is so Preppy and perfect
by Coolpreppykid17 January 13, 2022
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Eloise is a type of person that is strong and that you will fall out with at least once in your life. She is sassy and quite athletic.
That girl is amazing at sports.
Yep she is called Eloise for sure
by July 9, 2022
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Eloise is a totally fab girl, and she has a massive heart. Eloise is on the dumb side, but she has an ass that doesn't lie. She's a total bad bitch, and the best bestie someone (that someone usually being blonde and short) could ever had. Eloise is the bomb, and she always will be there for you. If you meet an Eloise, make sure to stick with her. she is rare.

p.s ecat and allana suck, and aila rocks.
Person one: wow look at her!
Person two: ye thats Eloise. she rocks.

Person one: she looks like a bad bitch, and look at that ass!
Person two: ya she's my bestie!
by ailalalalalala October 13, 2022
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Eloise is a totally fab girl, and she has a massive heart. Eloise is on the dumb side, but she has an ass that doesn't lie. She's a total bad bitch, and the best bestie someone (that someone usually being blonde and short) could ever had. Eloise is the bomb, and she always will be there for you. If you meet an Eloise, make sure to stick with her. she is rare.

p.s ecat and allana suck, and aila rocks.
Person one: wow look at her!
Person two: ye thats Eloise. she rocks.

Person one: she looks like a bad bitch, and look at that ass!
Person two: ya she's my bestie!
by ailalalalalala October 13, 2022
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literally the most gorgeous girl in the world, everyone thinks shes funny and smart.
'man did you see eloise today? how is she so fine??'
by bumsexpoop March 24, 2021
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A person named Eloise is drastically.... uh.... different. They don’t give a crap about anything you say, but she will give you candy in math class. She is overall a...interesting friend, but at times she can be really dark. Like REALLY dark. She is really smart, but she is also common sense dumb AF. She’a a great friend. 😽
Boy 1: Hey Eloise, your really pretty and I was wondering if you wanted to date?

Boy 2: Yo! Dude! Your really ugly! Wanna hang?
Eloise: HELL YA!
by roastingGMS November 1, 2020
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