A game for 2 or more players, a variant for hide and seek tag.

The seekers have to find the hiders (downys) and when they do catch them, then have to find the nearest garbage can and literally throw them in.

Surprisingly fun when the Downys are scared or confused.
Luke: Hey look the downy's are confused!
Jack: Let's play "Put the Downy in the bin"
by Lukollie January 1, 2011
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Something that is new, fresh, hip and trendy.
Those shoes you are wearing are 'fresh like downy'
by Jen C. April 14, 2006
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Little Jewish boy, Has a long head and likes smelling feet.
Hey look it's Judith Downy Parkinsons I heard he's likes to smoke w e e d
by Robocopisgay May 20, 2019
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One who puches downies.

Randomly used to insult friends.
"We're just a bunch of downie punchers"

by jimbo8098 February 10, 2010
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When you are from Züri and you have down syndrome and you are down bad you are züri downy bad. Nici is indeed the role model of Züri downy bad
Nici is Züri downy bad
by muggy si vater November 24, 2021
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