“let’s just say I got on the bed and he sprayed cologne on me.”
by nctlover December 14, 2021
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The obvious scent of marijuana smoke that lingers on the majority of residents in the sacred kootenay region of British Columbia
It must be After 4:20, I can smell the Kootenay Cologne out on Baker Street!!
by Dez4prez January 8, 2018
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Occurs during early morning in small to large office buildings inside the male restroom; Freshly applied, strong and cheap cologne mixes with the nasty beer and hot wings stool that is releived from the male. Thus creating a uniquely blended and familiar scent to the office environment.
Break Room Convo: “Dude have you walked into the bathroom yet this morning? Someone dropped a nasty cologne turd in there and never flushed.”
by Ole Ric November 2, 2018
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A code phrase for a guy who intends to hang around men's restrooms looking for a hook up.
Hey, Matty, let's grab a drink!

Nah, I'm going to the men's washroom to hand out cologne and hand towels.
by colonsandhandjobs November 29, 2019
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The part of the Clique, that has weekly clique meetups in the German city Cologne. They are superior.
by joshdunswhore July 21, 2019
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